Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 0 Ans Doing Yoga For Exercise 4.14K viewsAnonymous asked October 17, 2017 0 Ans What is the Anglican perspective on asking Mary (or any of the saints) for intercessions? 3.99K viewsAnonymous asked October 9, 2017 0 Ans Why is rape not listed as one of ten commandments 4.32K viewsAnonymous asked May 25, 2017 1 Ans What does it mean that “He descended into Hell”? 6.37K viewsAnonymous deleted answer May 3, 2017 1 Ans Was Jesus really raised from the dead? 6.25K viewsMatt Cornell asked April 26, 2017 0 Ans What did Jesus mean in Matthew 11:12? 4.33K viewsAnonymous asked March 19, 2017 0 Ans What does Paul mean by the term “the elect”? 3.90K viewsAnonymous asked February 15, 2017 1 Ans What does II Timothy 3:16 mean? 5.71K viewsRobbie Hay edited question February 6, 2017 0 Ans When Prayers Don’t Seem To Be Answered 4.01K viewsAnonymous asked February 6, 2017 1 Ans How can I stop having sex until I am married? 5.55K viewsRobbie Hay edited answer January 9, 2017 1 Ans Was Jesus really born of a virgin named Mary? 4.86K viewsRobbie Hay edited answer January 9, 2017 1 Ans What is Prayer? 5.34K viewsRobbie Hay edited answer January 9, 2017 0 Ans What is the meaning of “Out of Egypt, I have called my Son”? 4.71K views 0 Ans What is meant by “fear of the Lord”? 3.81K views