March for Life

Keep Knocking on the Justice Doors to Give the Right to Life for the Unborn

Marh for Life

Archbishop Foley Beach speaks to “Anglicans for Life” about the 57 Million abortions America has allowed over the last 42 years.

57 million babies have been killed because of abortion in US since Roe v. Wade! Abortion is the greatest moral issue of our time, and we must not keep silent! We must continue, as in Jesus’ parable (Luke 18:1-8) of the “Unrighteous Judge; to “knock on the door” and to demand change. In addition to the pain inflicted by abortion on the unborn human, the pain on the mother and father from their participation even though their sin is forgiven by Salvation through the blood of Jesus, often takes years or even a lifetime to diminish. From Psalm 139, we know that God is intimately involved in each new creation in the womb. Man is made in God’s image, and human life is precious and sacred. From the Nicene Creed we commit that “we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life”. Our God is a creator God; new life is not an accident. Let us NOT STOP asking God to end abortion; and let’s continue knocking on the doors, as in Luke 18, to demand justice for the lives of all unborn humans because our God is a faithful God that brings justice.